Disney's Aladdin (1992): A Whole New World of Feminist Agency?
Disney’s Aladdin : Princess Jasmine’s feminism Disney’s 1992 film Aladdin is a firm classic. There’s so much in the story that lends itself to visual spectacle - vast amounts of magical wealth, a foreign place and time, a star-crossed (but ultimately fulfilled) romance, and music from the ever-fantastic Alan Menken. The story of Aladdin’s place in popular media throughout history is also in fact a complex and quite mysterious one, too. Aladdin is best recognised in literature for its place in A Thousand and One Arabian Nights , as one of the so-called “orphan tales” apparently added to the Nights separate from the manuscript editions of the text which exist. And so, the story by its very nature has a rich capacity for inducing wonder in its audiences. Of course, Disney took that and ran with it. Whilst I’d still argue Disney’s Aladdin is a wonderful film, it’s still very much been “Disney-fied”, if you will. Of particular interest to me are the ways in which Disney’s film atte...