A Streetcar Named Desire
A Streetcar Named Desire : Reading plays, watching plays Revisiting literature offers us a chance to impart new perspectives and insights - that’s not a revolutionary idea but it’s an important one. Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire is a play close to my heart, and one for which I think I will always reserve the label “Genius.” In part I wonder if it’s because I spent so long poring over it, picking at the bones for every detail in word choice or staging or soundscape. Streetcar is one of those stories which haunts you. Not necessarily because you can really empathise with the characters but because their troubles are so complex, difficult, and entwined that you feel you can’t let go of them. Part of the problem is Williams. If he wasn’t so good at writing maybe we wouldn’t care so much; alas, he’s rather brilliant. Previously I’ve made the case for stories which have made for excellent adaptations, where adaptation has breathed new life into a text rather than dulling its...