The Bikeriders: An image speaks a thousand words
The Bikeriders : Digging under the surface Jeff Nichols’ recent film is inspired by Danny Lyon’s photobook of the same name: The Bikeriders . What Nichols attempts with this film is to translate Lyon’s still images not just into moving pictures, but to bring to the forefront the stories and the characters in front of the lens. It starts with some photos, and a series of interviews with a woman who knows who to tell a good story. There’s an air of legend or myth around this story. There are many layers of storytelling we’re asked to pass through to get to the heart of the characters, this elite club we’re thrown into the midst of without any time to brace ourselves, and the photographic evidence of a group of experiences that feel impossible to tie down. This film gives us a glimpse into these people’s lives, putting various pieces together to try and construct a story. In many ways I feel that’s what our own life stories are like; we are patchwork quilts and jigsaw puzzles,...